
Tuesday 20 September 2011

O Sleep, O Gentle Sleep, Natures Soft Nurse, How Have I Frightend Thee?

Insomnia is a highly frequent complaint in patients with PD. It seems to have hit me early in the course of the condition. [Is PD really a "disease"? I didn't catch a PD bug? It is just my brain beating up on me. I think it should be called a "condition"]

Anyway, I have no trouble falling asleep; rather, my problem is staying asleep. Today I woke at 2:30AM and have been up since then. Thank goodness for satellite radio. I lie in bed and listen to American news shows, some of which border on the insane (eg Glenn Beck) while others tend to be more liberal and interesting (eg MSNBC). BBC radio is also very good. I wait until 4:30 before getting out of bed and I go to work. By noon, I am a wreck so I watch TV and take about a 15 minute nap (today's TV - another episode of "Weeds" from Netflix). The nap sort of refreshes me until 8:00PM or so when I crash.

In the end, I get about 6 hours of sleep. I know, that is not bad, but I need at least 8 hours to make it through the day.

A sad tale, but true.

Apparently sleep is a luxury beyond my means.

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